Monday, June 26, 2023

Kaomoji typed on your keyboard vs. their 2ch equivalents:

We all use kaomoji everyday to express ourselves, whenever it's those from 2channel, those kaomoji sites or from your keyboard, They can be found everywhere. So I have compared the kaomojis from those made on my keyboard to their 2ch equivalents:

-_- = ( ´_ゝ`), ( ´,_ゝ`)

O_O, o_o = (˚д˚), ((((;˚Д˚)))), ( ˚Д˚)

^_^, ^v^, ^w^ = ( ^ω^ ), ( ^ν^ ), (・∀・), (^∀^)

o_O, O_o = (˚˚)

._., '_' = ('A`)

OwO, owo = ( ˚ω˚ )

;_;, ;w; = (´;ω;`)

>_< = ヽ(`Д´)ノ

.w. = (´・ω・`), (`・ω・´)

?_? = (˚д˚˚д˚)

*_* = ( ´∀

X_X = (;´Д`)

\o/ = \(^o^)/

UwU = ( ˘ω˘)

<_<, >_> = (0˚・∀・) 

<(^^,)> = ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃

AA GIFs by Fatima

A set of GIFs created by Fatima. Fatima によって作成された GIF のセット。